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A few things to keep in mind
when building a non-stock motor.

   Cost to Build 1835cc Engine over cost to Build a stock 1600cc.

92mm Forged P & C Kit over cost of 85.5 cast Kit------$80.00 or about $189.95

Bore Cases for 92s 3-step cut & true height--------------$45.95

Bore (2) Heads for 92s & Cut for Comp. if needed-------$40.00

                                              Approx. Cost--------------$165.95

** Check current Price before Ordering **

Extra Parts or Labor that we recommend or that might be needed. 
                  Depending on year, type of Case used.

8-Dowel Crank (SPG Pattern) Drill & Ream--------------$17.95

8-Dowel Flywheel (SPG Pattern) Drill & Ream to Fit-----$17.95

Chrome Molly Heavy Duty Gland Nut--------------------$19.95

Install 92s Case Savers & Deep Sink #3------------------$47.95

16 Case Savers Special for 92 Bore@--.80 cents each----$12.80 

Keep in Mind that a Stock Motor can be Built with Marginal Parts.
But due to the extra HP developed by an 1835 and larger motor the Parts need to be top of the line.

More information on Parts and Prices.->*Click

**Knowledge Required to build a Large Engine is 10 times that to build a Stocker.**

If you try to build a "Big Motor" and do not have the knowledge and, or the experience it is going to be very costly and embarrassing when it blows.

Be sure to have someone in mine to blame it on so you can save face around your friends.
We would like to help you out there but it does get Old after a few times.

*Important Need to Know> = Setting Valve Geometry / Choosing & Setting Compression Ratio /*Setting Deck Height / Setting Timing Correctly / Checking for Air Leaks / Cooling Requirements / And a few hundred other things.

Either be prepared to do some studying or have it built by someone that knows about Building Hi-Performance VW Engines.

We cannot explain How to Build an Engine at the parts counter.
What took us over 10 years to learn cannot be explained in ten minutes.

Choosing an Engine Builder

We recommend Studying up on one of the above "Need to Know topics."

Then when you are an expert on that one subject, ask your Would-Be Engine Builder about a couple of points you know about.

They should know as much or more then you do on that one subject.
If not look for someone else.

Just because some person has a Fast Car, Doesn't mean they can build or build one that Last.

       Purchasing a Pre-built Engine

We have found this to work in most cases. 

Call the builder and price some parts needed to build the desired motor.
Get prices on the Case, Crank, Cam, Heads, Rods, and Piston & Cylinder Kit. 
Then add up the cost of these parts and add a little for the Lifters, Gears, Rocker Arms, Oil pump etc.

Now if the Complete Engine, Including Labor is going to cost less or close to the same price as the parts you added up. You should realize  that some of the parts in the Pre-Built engine would not be acceptable if you were doing the building. 

It's what your "Not told or Not in the Ad" that you have to worry about.
Reground cam & lifters, Worn or Warped Cases, Loose crank dowels etc. 

And that 10 Year, 10 Million mile Warranty is not much good if you have to Pull the Engine, Box it up and pay long distance freight 4 or 5 times.

Some times there can be a big advantage to having the motor built by a local builder. If the builder has the knowledge and equipment to build it correctly.

   .......Compare P&C sizes, 77mm 40hp to 94mm Big Bores info.

 Note :
Prices are current as of 2/15/03
Motor cc chart->
*Click--- How to check if the Pistons & Cylinders need replacing->*Click--- Calculator for Deck Height & Compression Ratio->*Click --- Dist.& 009 parts->*Click --- Q&A Case studs for 1835-> *Click 

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