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Question:---> I am building an 1835cc motor with 12 to
1 compression for the street and was told I should install case
savers like the newer motors use. Would it be better to buy a new case with case
savers already installed. Dave
Answer:---> Dave: First let me
remind you the 1835cc motor with 12/1 compression is going to need a lot
better gas then is available at the pumps. You will need to run race gas
and the first time you use the pump gas to get home the 1835cc motor will be no
more. If you plane on buying gas at the local filling station then keep the
compression below 8 to 1.
The earlier cases that used the 10mm studs are great for larger motors.
You must install the small O.D. case savers like the CS92 saver. The 10mm
studs will do a good job keeping the heads in place. If you use the late
model case, with the 8mm case studs, you will need to replace the cylinder studs
with Chrome Molly studs if you run the 12 to 1 compression.
When building a large motor with a stock vw case, we prefer the earlier cases
since we believe the metal is a little stronger and a used case in good shape is
more stable since it's been through many heat cycles. Vic.
this page for more on cutting cases for 92's -->
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