1800vw Piston & Cylinders Good or Bad?
Checking Side Clearance of Top Ring This is all you have to do, to check if the Piston &
Cylinders need replacing. With the top ring compressed in it's grove, place the thickest
feeler gage that will fit in the grove along side the ring. VW lists maximum side clearance of the top ring as .0495" Note: The rings not only seal the hot gases but also transfer the largest amount of heat from the piston to the cylinders. If the rings can not transfer the heat away from the aluminum piston, they will either start to melt (get soft) and stick or seize to the cylinder wall. When rings overheat they will collapse and flutter and will most likely break if the piston doesn't stick first. Rings also break when the side clearance is to great. Wide rings transfer more heat but only work efficiently at low
RPM's because of there weight.