1800vw   Is it Old or New ?

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                   Old or New ?

How old is Old.? It depends on what we are talking about, especially when talking about VW's. I have this old 1981 VW Rabbit pickup. It runs pretty good but it's ancient. 1981 Rabbit parts are getting hard to come by and it would be easy to spend more money fixing it up then its worth. So my 81 Rabbit is old.

Now I also have this late model 1971 Bug. I just put in a new motor and if I keep the rust away it's worth more every year I keep it. Late model VW Bugs (1967-On) are Almost New and there is no problem getting parts ( it's still being produced in Mexico ) and the parts cost less then the Rabbit parts.

So why is the 81 Rabbit really old and the 71 Bug almost new. It all comes back to the way they were built.

The 71 Bug was built to run until it wears out, and then rebuild it and go again.
The 1981 Rabbit was built to give good service until you buy a new and improved model that comes out a couple of years later. Its good for the economy. Just imagine what it would be like if 3/4 of the cars were 71 or older. Any one could work on them and the parts would be even cheaper because
the manufacture would be making 500 different parts not 5000. 

What if the same window winder would fit any model built in the last 10 years. The poor car dealer would be up a creek. Lets face the fact it's not good for our economy to drive the same car for 10 years.
That's why the new concept Beetle will be an Old car in 5 years and the Old Air Cooled Bug will still be almost new in 10 years.
Would any one want to bet which car will be worth more in 15 years?. My 1971 Air cooled Bug or the 99 Concept Beetle. New concept could mean buy it now and replace it sooner.

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