Before you buy a VW the first thing to check
is "Crank End Play" This is how
it's checked.
Open the engine deck lid and crab the lower Belt pulley, This
large pulley is bolted directly to the end of the crank. If you
pull and push on this crank pulley you should feel little to no
movement. With .003/.005 clearance and some oil between the shims,
you will almost nothing.
If it moves a little then plane on tearing the motor
down and having it line bored, as the play between the flywheel
and bearing is most likely OK, but the looseness you feel is the
main bearing moving in the case.
If you remove the flywheel and try to reset the .003/5.005 clearance,
you will lock the main bearing to the flywheel and spin the rear
main in the case. (most likely ruining the case)
If the crank moved more then a little (say .020/.030 or more)
then it time for an immediate tear down.
Don't try to reset the End play without rebuilding the motor.
If the crank moves something like 1/16" or 2 mm then the
case is likely already shot, and will need replacing.
It might take 100,000 miles or more of hard use for the end
main bearing to get loose, but after it is no longer tight in the
case the rate of wear double in a vary few miles.
When the case was new or properly line bored, the main bearing
was about .003 larger then the case and had a crush fit. When the
case got hot and expanded the main bearing was still tight in the
case. What can start the main to move in the case is excessive
heat. Maybe the fan belt broke or the air flaps in the fan shroud
stuck closed. The case got very/very hot which was the beginning
of many problems. The mains started moving, the head bolts started
pulling out of the case, etcetera . |