1800vw   IRS Trailing Arm Pivots
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 Weld in IRS Pivots   #V530004 = $24.95 / set  order

This lets you use IRS or Late Bus transaxle and IRS rear suspension  instead of the old Swing Axel transaxle and 
swing axle suspension without changing rear torsion.

Great - Fast - Easy way - to update the rear suspension to IRS
Well  it's not that easy or fast, but it works great if done right !!
There is one small problem that no one seems to make clear when you order these pivots. 
You better have a welding jig to locate them or the car will most likely not handle well and wear out rear tires faster then a formula one car. The first set of instructions we used, was very clear that a certain amount of tin should be trimmed from the SA wishbone and the pivots should be welded in at a given angle and "x" number of inches apart. This sounded pretty clear right up to the point where we checked their location with the jig we just made. We torched them off and started over. We have never installed a set of pivots that didn't first need some serious trimming. If you take a look at item #7 on the IRS parts page you will see that VW used these .160" thick washers to help set the rear wheel alignment. If the pivots are installed a few degrees off  and a little to one side there will be no way to get the rear wheels in proper alignment. So if the pivots are not held in proper alignment with a welding jig as shown below, you better just figure on keeping the old Swing Axle suspension or replacing the complete rear torsion assembly.  And replacing the rear torsion assembly is not that much fun.
This is a simple welding jig we made to locate the IRS pivots.
You still must be careful welding them in, as the heat can pull them out of location. Tack weld them in place before you do the final welding. 


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Victor Comp. Products Inc. **--Vic's--**Phone 816-650-3535 • 230 S Hudson St., Buckner, Missouri, 64016, US