Any thief with a short jumper wire and a
screwdriver can drive off with your buggy in about 30 seconds.
This is a simple system we use on our street buggy's.
First you must install a circuit breaker #D71116
after the Key
(or On/Off switch).#V903105
Then from the hot side of the coil (#15 or +) connect a new wire
from the coil to one side of a simple on/off switch. The
other side of this switch is connected to ground. That's it your
Now if the would be thief connects his jumper wire to
the coil and a hot wire. He creates a dead short and most likely
melts his jumper wire and burns his fingers. Before he can try
again he must figure out which one of the wires is shorted and
disconnect it. Which wire goes to the distributor and reconnect
it. This all takes time, so more then likely he will move on to
easer Pickens.
When you want to start your car, you must remember to
flip the hidden switch. If you forget the circuit breaker will pop
and then after flipping the hidden switch, just turn the key off
and back on to reset the circuit breaker.
We some times change the wiring slightly. Instead of our
new wire going to ground, we connect it to a hidden horn. The
switch is left on and when the jumper wire is used it blows the
horn until disconnected. You could use both systems if you so
We have one customer that wired the new shorted wire inside
his distributor. But we have not tried this out yet.
If you have a better system let us know.
(Something less the chaining it to a telephone pole.)